Thursday, September 10, 2009

Opinion: Do you agree that drug testing should be done as a requirement for admission to schools?

I'm enormously, completely, absolutely, and totally AGREE!
For me, drug testing should be a requirement for admission to school to make sure that the students do not use drugs, shabu, marijuana, etc. Drug testing can help the school to control the students not to use drugs. The students should be well-mannered when they are outside of the campus because they represent the school especially when they are in school uniform and if they have been done wrong, the first that will affect is the school.

The schools must be serious and strict with this drug testing because their future was depend on their students on how they act, execute and communicate with other people inside or outside the campus.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Were You Able To Get The Correct Answer?

Answers for QUIZ:

1. Benzphetamine
2. Appetite suppressant
3. True
4. Suppressant
5. C
6. E
7. D
8. A
9. F
10. B

Answers for Guide Questions:

Chest x ray
Right heart catheterization

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Try To Answer This Easy Questions on Suppressants

1. This drug can cause vivid hallucinations if taken for the wrong purpose.

2. It is a dietary supplement or drug which reduces craving, food consumption, and causes weight loss.

3. Appetite suppressants are better than any medication because they do not produce any side effects. (True or False)

4. It is a drug that suppresses appetite.

Matching Type:

a. It produces effects such as increasing or maintaining alertness, combating fatigue, and improving attention.

b. It is also found in many foods such as chocolate, especially after microbial fermentation.

c. The main function of this drug is to reduce appetite, which in turn reduces caloric intake.

d. An important hormone involved in carbohydrate metabolism and produced by the pancreas, it is released when the glucose level in the blood is low.

e. It improves listening skills and organization of tasks, and may help prevent tic disorders.

f. It is a weight loss medication.

5. Benzphetamine
6. Dexmethylphenidate
7. Glucagon
8. Methylphenidate
9. Phendimetrazine
10. Phenethylamine

Case Analysis:

Fernando Jose a 45 y/o man started experiencing a difficulty in breathing, chest pain and his lips and skin were bluish in color. He realized that they have a family history of pulmonary hypertension, so he immediately consulted to a doctor.

After the medical and physical examinations he found out that he has this kind of disease.

Guide Questions:

1. What are the probable diagnostic tests that could be performed?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


is a drug that suppresses appetite.

Appetite suppressant
is also known as anorexigenic. Is a dietary supplements or drug which reduces craving, food consumption, and causes weight loss. Appetite suppressants are better than any medication because they do not produce any side effects.

Benzphetamine, dexmethylphenidate, glucagon, methylpenidate, phendimetrazine and phenethylamine are other compounds marked as appetite suppressants.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Here are my Top Ten EMERGING Influential Blogs

Janette Toral's Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs of 2009 is on its last day of submission , so I am excited to make history, to award the truly NEWBIES (EMERGING) blogs who have influenced me positively in my blogging career as a student blogger :

You should make time to visit them as I can assure you their posts are worth tons of gold and priceless lessons in life.

Without further ado here are my Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs of 2009:

1. Doctor Z of Zorlone
2. Jan Geronimo of WritingToExhale
3. Angel Cuala of Father Blogger dot com
4. Roy The Struggling Blogger
5. Irene of LifeLots
6. Luke of A Walk In The Dark
7. Holly Jahangiri of It’s all a matter of Perspective: Mine
8. Bingkee of I Love/Hate America
9. Kelvin Servigon of Kelvinonian Ideas 2.0
10. Dee of Tales From The Mom Side

I want to take home the price too and one requirement is to post the sponsors.

Winners should be thankful to the following for donating generously to this project, they are: Absolute Traders, My Brute Cheats, Business Summaries, Fitness Advantage Club, Events and Corporate Video, Events at Work, Dominguez Marketing Communications, Red Mobile, Budget hotel in Makati, Lucio C. Tan Group of Companies, and

Good luck to all nominees and of course most especially to mine....

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Were You Able To Get The Correct Answers?

Answers for QUIZ:

1-4 Producing sperm and male sex hormone or testosterone
5. Testosterone
6. Interstitial cells
7. Cells of Leydig
8. Testes
9. Seminiferous tubules
10. Scrotum

Answer for Guide Questions:

1. Ultrasound of the testicles, Urinalysis and urine cultures
2. Treatment may include:
>Untwisting of the testicle (performed by an experienced doctor)
>Simple surgery to fix testicular torsion (if untwisting is unsuccessful)
>Prevent injury by wearing an athletic supporter during physical activity, especially contact sports.

Are You Knowledgable About Testosterone?

1-4 What are the functions of the testes?
5. What is the hormone produced by the testes?
6. What is the connective tissue surrounding the seminiferous tubules that contains clusters of endocrine cells?
7. What is the cell that secretes testosterone?
8. What pair of glands produce the male reproductive cells or sperm?
9. What tubules combine into a larger tube and lead out of the testes into the vas deferens?
10. What external sac that supports the testes?

Case Analysis

A 25 yr-old basketball player wasn’t able to play their championship games because he was suffering from severe testicular pain. In their last game his opponent accidentally kicked his testes.

After a few days he noticed a bruise in his testes, so he consulted a doctor.

Guide Questions:

1. What probable diagnostic tests could be performed?
2. Discuss treatment and preventive measures.